Marchers demanding the Biden administration make progress on immigration reform, head to a rally near the US Capitol. March began at Black Lives Matter Plaza. – Washington, DC – May 1, 202...
AAFE, a Nonprofit and One of Chinatown’s Largest Landlords, Has a Troubling Record
By Sarah Ngu, Documented NY Jiang Qi Yao loved to dance. On weeknights, he took ballroom dancing classes with his wife at the local Chinatown senior center. They lived for two decades at a rent-stabil...
The House Has Passed Two Major Immigration Bills. Here’s What They Would Do.
Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito led an interfaith rally to denounce Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim entry into the US. Unite 100 union tee shirt. – December 9, 2015 (Shutterstock) By Katy ...
ICYMI: The Biden Administration Presses a Pathway to Citizenship as an Urgent Priority
Marchers demanding the Biden administration make progress on immigration reform, head to a rally near the US Capitol. March began at Black Lives Matter Plaza. Washington D.C. – May 1, 2021 (Shut...
Immigrants, Working People and Progressive Coalitions Turn Out on May Day with One Message: Citizenship Now!
Workers rights activists groups celebrate International Workers Day on May Day. – New York City New York USA – May 1, 2021 (Shutterstock) WASHINGTON – Immigrants, progressive allies...
Immigrants, Working People and Progressive Coalitions Turn Out on May Day with One Message: Citizenship Now!
Marchers demanding the Biden administration make progress on immigration reform, head to a rally near the US Capitol. March began at Black Lives Matter Plaza. – May 1, 2021 (Shutterstock) WASHIN...
Supreme Court Rejects Government Practice of ‘Notice-by-Installment’ in Niz-Chavez v. Garland
By Karolina Walters, Immigration Impact The U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week in Niz-Chavez v. Garland that immigration law requires the government to give noncitizens complete notice about the init...
President Biden Intends to Lean In on Immigration. America is Ready for a Breakthrough.
By AV Press Releases In recent weeks, a combination of factors has raised doubts about President Biden’s commitment to following through on his immigration and refugee agenda. He started strong, but...
Tidal Wave of Pressure on Biden Administration to Act Urgently to Redesignate Haiti for TPS
Members of Haitian women for Haitian refugees organization rally for restoration of TPS and permanent status for refugees from Haiti on Ocean Avenue. – New York, NY – November 8, 2020 (Shu...
Supporting Immigrant Labor in New York After the Pandemic
Protesters holding signs walk on a picket line during a protest of Liox Cleaners in front of a lower east side location on March 6, 2021 in New York City. – New York, NY (Shutterstock) By Linda ...