By Brian Figeroux, Esq. Green Cards, officially known as Permanent Resident Cards, serve as proof of an individual’s authorization to live and work permanently in the United States. Prior to A...
Don’t Get Deported: Green Card Lottery: Undocumented Individuals’ Ineligibility & Scam Risks
By Brian Figeroux, Esq. An analysis of the current Green Card Lottery system. If you are undocumented in the US, you are most likely not eligible. Be careful of lottery scams that can get you deport...
The Process of Simultaneous Petitioning and Adjustment of Status for a Spouse Who Overstayed Their Visitor Visa in the U.S.
By Brian Figeroux, Esq. U.S. immigration law provides a pathway for U.S. citizens to petition for their foreign-born spouses to adjust their immigration status and obtain lawful permanent residency, c...
How a U.S. Citizen or Green Card Holder Can Apply for a Green Card for an Overseas Family Member: A Detailed Guide
By Brian Figeroux, Esq. | Editorial credit: art4you1 / One of the most common pathways to obtaining permanent residency (commonly known as a green card) in the United States is throug...