By Ronald Castro “To be legal in this country, I will apply for asylum and I’m set.” “I request asylum and they give it to me for sure; it should not be so difficult, because I know a...
USCIS Implements Two Decisions from the Attorney General on Good Moral Character Determinations
WASHINGTON—U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced new policy guidance implementing two decisions from the attorney general regarding how two or more DUI convictions affect good ...
The Arleigh Louison Immigration Fraud Case
By Mary Campbell Oftentimes, people make decisions that can negatively or positively impact their and their family’s lives. As such, when making certain decisions, individuals must ensure that it ...
Why a Safe Third Country Agreement with Guatemala is Unsafe and Unworkable
The Trump administration signed an agreement with Guatemala last Friday that appears to allow the U.S. government to send certain asylum applicants to Guatemala, forcing them to seek asylum there....
Immigrants and Their Children Founded Almost Half of All US Fortune 500 Companies
From the highest levels of corporate America to virtually every level of the labor force, immigration creates new jobs in the U.S. economy. The businesses founded by immigrant entrepreneurs directly e...
Attorney General Barr Rolls Back Asylum Protections for Families
Attorney General William Barr issued a decision that significantly restricts the ability of many current asylum seekers to win their cases on Monday. In Matter of L-E-A-, Barr issued a new immigration...
“Untouchable” Louison Busted for Immigration Fraud in Brooklyn
Brenda and Kathy (names changed for privacy), who spoke to Caribbean American Weekly recently, alleged that Arleigh Louison, a Grenadian national and New York resident, had defrauded them as he orches...
Notice to Appear Letters Mean More Deportation of Immigrants
In recent immigration news that may have occurred directly under our noses, the United States’ Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) began implementing their New Policy Memorandum on Notices ...
USCIS Strengthens Guidance for Spousal Petitions Involving Minors
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recently announced additional guidance regarding the adjudication of spousal petitions involving minors, following up on the agency's February update ...
USCIS Launches H-1B Employer Data Hub
USCIS has launched an H-1B Employer Data Hub to provide information to the public on employers petitioning for H-1B workers. ...